Thursday, April 11, 2013

Don't you know

He is a charmer by being withholding-
-You will suffer to feel him above you.

I pity you darling, I do.
I pity you.

Two Dichotomies

I am an epicene woman;
I will not trudge through short halls
Full of family photos,
Dribble on the walls,
Painted murals, scribbles
Of children I never chose
Or truly thought of.
Please do not ask me
What Time Is Dinner?
I wear the same watch as you now;
It ticks in more urgency
Than you have ever known.

Monday, March 11, 2013


You locked me up, like you knew I liked
Then you took a bite.
And I wrote vows, I wrote em down
So when you come around
You'll say you might.

I didn't promise that I'd promise but ill try if you would hint;
That all the time that you said you'd try could match the time
And you could try with me a second wind...
I guess I'll wait for you and let you win

There was something that was criminal in the way your eyes smiled at me
Yeah there was something, something cynical in the way you smiled, smiled at me

And I'm a glutton for the punished
And the punches
All the black eyes keep me in
If I could open my little puffy eyes
I'd see your puppy eyes
And we'd begin again

You didn't build a mansion but a dollhouse that you'd let me die in
And I the figurine was smashed to smithereens
But your the glue and I the porcelain wriggling
But I keep reveling...
I'm trying everything.

Cause there was something that was cynical in the way your eyes they smiled at me,
Yeah there was something, something criminal in the way you smiled, smiled at me.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

There Is No Such Thing As Light

There is an easier way.
Helium and a plastic bag-
It could be over so soon,
And No One Would Miss You.

Look it up!
You'll find
The most painless methods and decide
That the sad music you always play
Isn't enough of a reason to stay-
After all;
You're not in a movie.

No One Will Every Say Don't.

Yes, My exterior is harder
Yes, You would be impressed.

But I stopped doing all the things I really loved.

The Lonely

There was a girl
Entangled, if I may;
All the sirens silent for her
Dear, She skipped a beat
Just for me, Inside the
Trappings of a lonely person
There, She lived in me,
Always playing
Wonder and misgivings-
-Words, That never found
Her tiny mouth, all along
She is high up in her tower.
May I, If I might
Have certain rights, There
Was an element of anger
Humming, In, Between
The ears, For many years,
All the while she was

Can Everyone Tell?

She had a tattoo of a tree:
And in the tree-
-There sitting me,
Alone as was reality.

And when I asked her to
-The girl refrained-
Just stared into the wayward mark.
The singing larks,
The branches part,
With no one else in company.

She had a tattoo of a tree:
Alone there sitting me-
-Alone as I would ever be.

I Think It Was A Happy Ending.

Both dogs barked at
The television,
One paw resigned upon me;
And when the silver screen
had dimmed,
The dogs had laid and died with it.
I searched for messages
On film
-No explanation served;
And yet two dogs lay
Still as stone,
As soon the curtain closed.